VMF1 Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 _Virtual Interactive

Event Date:
November 19, 2022
Event Time:
7:00 pm
Event Location:
Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF1)-Virtual Interactive Course
Value Methodology Fundamentals 1(VMF1) is a prerequisite for 2 international certificates: Value Methodology Associate (VMA) & Certified Value Specialist (CVS) from SAVE International (Society of American Value Engineers)
SAVE International®, is the premier and sole international society devoted to advancing and promoting the Value Methodology (VM). It offers various education and networking opportunities.
- Firstly, the course will equip trainees with the required competency level necessary to participate professionally in Value Engineering Workshops.
- Secondly, it will guide the trainees how to pass successfully their Value Methodology Associate (VMA) Exam.
- Thirdly, the course will increase your knowledge and skills related to value Methodology.
- The applications will be on product, projects, or process.
- As well, you will be able to distinguish between cost reduction and value engineering .
- Moreover , the course is fast paced and is delivered in a four day session.
Being able to:
- Apply the VE tools and techniques for any project, product or service to save up to 30% without sacrificing quality.
- Identify and classify any project or product‘s functions.
- Study the logic relationship between the projects’ functions.
- From the FAST Diagram “Function Analysis System Technique “, the delegates will become able to select where the unnecessary costs exist.
- Evaluate between alternatives based on its life cycle costs not only the initial costs.
- Consider the non-monetary criteria in the evaluation.
- Avoid affecting the quality negatively in cost reduction.
- In addition, you’ll learn how to make and use Value Engineering models.
- How to convert BOQ to cost model to calculate the saving.
- Changing the mind set by knowing new tools and techniques to manage costs through innovative changes.
- As well ,Knowing the difference between value engineering, value analysis and value management.
- Distinguish between the 3 types of Value: Use Value, Esteem Value, and Exchange Value.
- Enhance the interpersonal skills of working as a team member or team leader “The VM is based on a multi-disciplinary team approach”.
- The team will learn new techniques to generate a wide number of alternatives in a very short time. “VE consider that nothing has only one solution”.
- Evaluate ideas taking into consideration the important non-monetary.
- How to Develop Recommendations
- Identify Key Features to Sell Value Opportunities
- Illustrate Key Value Recommendations
- Become eligible for Value Methodology Associate (VMA) exam and international certification from SAVE International after a fast paced 32 hours course.
- It’s a practical workshop. You’ll learn something that is not academic, nor book knowledge, and gain actual practical experience from what you learned, for instance. You’ll be able to do the value models , Function analysis , Life cycle costs analysis and gain many other skills from practical applications.
- Equip yourself with vital applications. Those applications represent high demand by various clients, especially after COVID-19 to become able to survive in the market.
- Discover VE secrets and professional techniques to reduce your projects’ costs without sacrificing quality.
- In conclusion, you’ll learn a problem solving approach, that had successfully demonstrated its effectiveness, since 1940s.
- In other word, Value Engineering means enhancing the project’s value , optimizing life-cycle cost and customizing quality.
- Total duration : 32 hours ( Intensive course in 10 days only )
- Fridays and Saturdays only ( in 2 weeks – 10 sessions: evening sessions).
- Individuals interested to become a certified Value Methodology Associate (VMA) or Certified Value Specialists (CVS®) are encouraged to attend.
- Attendees may include corporate leadership, engineers of all types, corporate leadership, designers, product managers, project managers, innovation managers, procurement engineers, cost engineers, marketing, finance, quality & manufacturing disciplines.
About Instructor
Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy has more than 15 years of experience in teaching this course .
To download VMF1 full details :
For detailed information about VMF1 Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 in Arabic ,click here For detailed information about VMF1 Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 in English ,click here
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